Navigating the Transformative Journey: What Is Ketamine Therapy Like?

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Today, we will explore the question, "What is ketamine therapy like?" Ketamine therapy has gained traction in the field of mental health treatment, offering hope to individuals struggling with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In this compassionate guide, we will delve into the details of ketamine therapy, from its basics to the potential benefits and considerations.

Understanding Ketamine Therapy

To begin, let's clarify what ketamine is. Typically used as a potent anesthetic in surgical procedures, ketamine can also have a rapid, positive impact on mental health concerns when administered in lower doses.

There are three standard forms of ketamine administration: intravenous, intranasal, and oral. Intravenous administration is the most common and controlled method. The medical team will carefully infuse the solution into your bloodstream through an IV. Intranasal and oral administration involve inhaling or orally taking the medication, respectively.

The Process of Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine therapy is tailored to each individual, recognizing that one size does not fit all. Your initial consultation with a licensed ketamine therapy provider will involve collaborating with trusted psychiatrists and/or psychiatric nurse practitioners to determine the best treatment plan for you. The medical team will handle the medical aspects, such as eligibility assessment, ketamine prescriptions, and clinical follow-ups. Throughout your journey, a therapist will be there to offer guidance and support during preparation and integration therapy sessions.

Developing a nurturing and supportive relationship with your ketamine therapy team is crucial. They will closely monitor your progress throughout the course of your treatment, always prioritizing your safety and well-being.

Before each session, precautions are taken to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Your therapist may provide guidelines for temporarily abstaining from certain medications or suggest fasting before the session. Additionally, a comfortable and calming environment will be prepared, complete with equipment and staff to assist you if needed.

The dosing protocol and frequency of ketamine therapy sessions vary based on each person's unique needs. The goal is to provide the relief you require as quickly as possible, without overdoing it.

What to Expect During Ketamine Therapy

Contrary to traditional forms of therapy, ketamine therapy involves more than lying on a couch and talking or searching for a breakthrough. Instead, you will recline, lie comfortably, listen to soothing music, or engage in conversation with your therapist during the treatment.

During the session, you may experience changes in perception. Your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations can become more vivid. Some individuals may also feel a sense of detachment from their body or a sense of being outside of time and space.

The duration of a ketamine therapy session can range from 45 minutes to several hours, depending on the dosage and method of administration. Consequently, it is essential to have someone you trust accompany you and drive you home after the session.

Integrating Ketamine Therapy with Other Modalities

Ketamine therapy can complement traditional therapy practices or stand alone as a holistic treatment. Support groups, mindfulness practices, and interpersonal therapy are among the modalities that can help individuals ground themselves and integrate the insights gained from ketamine treatment.

Potential Benefits and Considerations

The potential benefits of ketamine therapy are vast. Research has revealed its efficacy in providing relief from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and various other mental health conditions. Moreover, the effects of ketamine therapy are often felt quickly, with results sometimes occurring after just one session. However, it is important to acknowledge that there may be possible side effects and precautions to ensure your safety.

Prior to embarking on ketamine therapy, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and consult with a licensed ketamine therapy provider. Discuss your expectations and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the therapy.


In conclusion, ketamine therapy has emerged as an effective method for treating mental health issues. At Meraki Holistic Counseling, our experienced ketamine-assisted psychotherapists are here to support you through the process, ensuring your comfort and well-being. Remember to prioritize your safety and speak openly with professionals about any questions or concerns you may have. Your journey to authentic well-being starts here, and we would be honored to guide you every step of the way.


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